

Page history last edited by Amanda B 14 years, 9 months ago

                                                                 Table of contents

                                  1. Introduction...................................................1


                                 3.Aren't i cute?...................................................1

                                 4. Location...........................................................1





                                 9.Friends to Foes...................................................1


                                 11.Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite!..............................1



                                 14.I'm Unique!......................................................1

                                 15.Bye Bye!...........................................................1


                                                       work cited ......................1


 a marmoset family geting ready to go out for food!


                             Don't you just love monkeys? Then you will love the marmoset. It has amazing features that you will not believe. I have been interested in monkeys since i was young ,and now i love them especially the marmoset! I a sure you that the marmoset will surprise you.



                           Marmoset monkeys love to be with their family. Even though they stay with their family they don't look alike. There are thirty(30) different species! A lot of people mistake them as squirrels because of their features!  


                                                          III.Aren't I Cute?

                          The marmoset monkeys are brightly colored.They are ornamed with manes,ear ruffs that are sometimes white, and mustaches.Marmosets are long tailed and and have silky fur. There is not only one or two  colors of the marmoset monkeys,there are several different colors!



                     Do you like to climb in trees? Well the marmoset monkeys scurry around and in trees! mostly to get food and just to hang around! although they like to play around they don't migrate!



        Do you like insects? Well the marmoset monkey loves them! In fact, they mostly have them for their meals or havetree sap, and bird eggs. It gets the insects(their food) by scurrying around in the trees. They also look in trees for thier food!

 a baby mamroset monkey eating


                     Even though they are very cute, they have A LOT  of natural enimies! Includes ocelots,jagurs,and other animals that crawl on the rainforest floor. They are natural enimies because when they are on the forest floor(marmoset monkeys), their enimies try to eat them because they live/walk around on the forest floor.Thats also why they hang around in trees, because their afraid of getting eaten! wouldnt you? So who is you natural enimie?



              When you get in a fight you defend your self and stand up to what is facing you. Well in this case the marmoset monkey hides in the trees. The trees are like their comfort blanket! In fact they are really tuff, when something comes to them they stick up for thier little bodies. So how do you defend yourself?

   a baby and momma out getting food

                                         VIII. Reproduceing

                  Reproducng is very easy to explain. When the female is pregnat she normally gives birth to twins! She is pregnat for one hundred forty(140) days! When the babies are two(2) mouths old they get their food themsleves! instead of their parents getting their food they do.


                                           IX.Friends to Foes

                  Their relationship between human beings is that they get along really good. The marmoset monkeys think humans are their friends. Well that is true, we humans dont kill them like other people kill the other animals in the rainforest like igunnas. As you may not know but the marmoset monkeys are very friendly! Do you think they are?



             Normally animals go POOF,like the polar bears are soon to be. Well in that case the marmoset dont. They are alot of marmosets' out there that they are unable to count. Alot of animals are endargerd but the mamroset monkey isnt! But they are  treatened, because they live in the tress and every day many and many tress are getting cut done every day! Well we should stop that right? Yes we should and will!



                                       XI.Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite!

          Alot of animals sleep alot like the sloth, the marmoset dosent. When they do sleep they sleep in trees and vines. Altough they would sleep on the florest floor but they are afraid that they will be eaten! Wouldnt you?



          The marmoset gets around in the rainforest by swinging on vines and going tree to tree. They would also climb up the tress if they were in a hurry. Even though they move alot they are adapted to the weather! So at least thats good so they dont get to hot when they move around to seee friends. Right?


 two(2) marmoset friends playing


          So alot of people have their hobbies. well here are the marmosets! They like to be with their family.Most of the times they run around in and out of the tress, looking for food and just for fun. So what can you do that is special?


                                      XIV.Im Unique!

          Dont you do something no one else can do? Well the marmoset  have all claws but not the big toe! They are also the smallest monkey! They can scurry in trees really fast to get food than any other animal can. There are thirty (30) different species!

 a pygmy marmoset monkey climbing a leaf

                                        XI. BYE BYE!

          Thank-you for reading, and i hope you will read and researchg the marmoset monkey to learn many more cool facts about them. Like I  hope  I will be doing! BYE!!!!  





                            Work Cited 



books- "common marmoset monkey". amazing animals of the world. 1995.

animal fact file Head-to-tail  profiles of more than ninety(90) mammle  by: tony hare




website: "marmoset" encyclopedia britannica.2010. encyclopedia britannia online.26 mar.2010 <http://www.britannia.com/ebchecked/topic/365949/marmoset>.


















Comments (4)

Juliana S said

at 8:52 am on Apr 23, 2010

nice job amanda!!! :)

Tara B said

at 8:57 am on Apr 23, 2010

it is soo cute and you used so much deatails

Victoria L said

at 9:03 am on Apr 23, 2010


Amanda B said

at 9:04 am on Apr 23, 2010


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