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Saved by Marlon M
on April 8, 2010 at 1:53:09 pm

Here is your very own webpage! To make changes, click on the "Edit" tab above.Then you can click and type in this section just like you would in Word. Follow your rough draft exactly. There will be time to make more changes later.


DO NOT spend time worrying about making your page look exciting at this point. After all your information is typed, we will work on adding pictures and formatting. Then you can get really creative! This is YOUR webpage, after all!!


Make sure you put a title at the top, and remember to erase these directions when you are done!


REMINDER: Click the SAVE button below every few minutes so you don't lose your work! Enjoy!



     Deep in the amazonia you will find the king of the amazon which is getting ready to be extinct is the trermendous Jaguar.I discovered this sensational animal when i heard about the book "The Jungles Of The Rainforest".Also when i heard that it was the king of the amazon.Finally in amazed me by how its the biggest meat eaing animal in the amazon rain forest.Well now while i show you throught out my report you will tell your friends geeee this animal is epic.


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