I Introduction
Deep in the amazonia you will find the king of the amazon which is getting ready to be extinct is the one and only trermendous Jaguar.I discovered this sensational animal when i heard about the book "The Jungles Of The Rainforest".Also when i heard that it was the king of the amazon.Finally in amazed me by how its the biggest meat eaing animal in the amazon rain forest.Well now while i show you throught out my report you will tell your friends geeee this animal is epic.
II My Family Members
Now here is all about the jaguar's partners.The jaguar's mom is about five feet tall.The jaguar's dad is about six feet tall.The understory and the forest floor is the part where the jaguars live.
IIIAbout me!
You learned alot about the jaguars family.now you will hear about a jaguar himself.One fact about these tremendous animal is that they are mammals.A second reason is that they are related to a six foot person.Last fact is that they live for exactly 12to15 years.Last info about them is that
VI. Location,Location,Location
i have told you enough about the jaguar itself but now here is all the information about where they live. Jaguars live in about almost all of asia was full of jaguars but now they are extinct in asia for the reason of not listening to the government sayiing not to kill the jaguars but they did and what is sad is that they didn't listen to the government.
V. My Lunch
A jaguar's lunch like i like to say is very impressive when I tell you. You are not going to believe me but the jaguar is the largerst meat eating animal in the world. It eats insects capuchan monkeys, spider monkeys, sloths, and harpy eagles.
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