This is a small female manakin I The Manakin
The Manakin is the imformational,tiny bird packed with unusual personalites and forms in Amizonia. One day I came across the Manakin on a book called "Jungles and Rainforests" by
Julia Andrews. I was facinated by the book. The next day we began the research on our animals. I didn't know what to choose! Then I found the Manakin! This little bird, packed with info! And so began my research....
II Family Matters
The Manakin belong to a family called Pepride. Pepride are small birds just like them! Pepride is also a latin name. Manakin fly together in groups called "Flocks", but most Manakin fly alone.
As a rusult, the Manakin have more facts to go, but more to tell....
This is a male manakin perched on a branch
III I'm Gorgeous!
Everyone looks in the mirror, but the Manakin is nothing but color! Only the males have davishing colors, the females are olive-green. Manakin are small birds.The color on you is just like the Manakin, even red,blue,purple,yellow they got it!
IV The Canopy
Manakin live on the top of the forest called the Canopy. They also live in the Understory,
which is below. The Understory has branches to perch. Manakin do not migrate due to the warm weather.In closing, the Manakin has a very good habitat to live on.
A male manakin eatting a berry.
V Supper Time!
Manakin have amazing,gooy,slimy supper. They eat bugs, lizzards and small fruit. CRUNCH!
there goes a small bug! GULP! now goes a lizzard! And......MUNCH! A small fruit is feasted on.
The Manakin feast on fruit on the forest floor, and eat on bugs and lizzards during flight.
VI Predidor.....
The biggest, largest predidor of the Manakin is the boa. Boa strangle the small birds, the feasting on them. Ether the Manakin poofs up for defense or flys away for safty.In closing, the Manakin has its number one predidor which is the boa.
A male Manakin poofing up for defense.
VII Defense
The Manakin has an odd way for Defense. They poof up showing the predidor they are bigger. But sometimes the Manakin's plan doesnt work.... If the predidor is bigger than its fluff, it can eat the Manakin and not wimper away. As a rusult, the Manakin poofs up for defense.
A female manakin sitting on egg (s)
VIII Lovie-Dovie
The Manakin have cool,amazing ways to attract a mate. The males sit on a branch or the forest floor, and sreech or flap their tale to make noise, and if lucky, a female might appear.
When the female has choosen, the breed then the female stays to make the nest for her babies,the male flies of to breed somemore. After the nest is finished, the female lays her two eggs.The eggs will take 17-20 days to hatch. After the eggs hatch they are known as Younge Manakin. They must wait with their mother for 13-15 days for their flight feathers to grow in.
All Manakins life is 20 years or up. As a rusult, the female does all the work like care,feed, and protect the babies.
IX Freind or Foe?
The Manakin have odd relationships with humans. The do not fly away screeching for help Nor do the attack, they just sit and look at humans. They may fly a couple feet, but do not exactly flee. These small birds are not in any harm at all. In closing, the Manakin have a "Freindly" relationship with humans.
X Population
Manakin have over 50 different species. The only two things they all have in common are the females are all olive-green,and their all small. These harmless little birds are happy and safe. As a rusult, Manakin have a lot of relitives.
XI Bed Time!
The Manakin sleeps comfortably. They sleep during night in cozy nests and catch Zs. They are not Nocternal. Therefore, Manakin all sleep during night.
The canopy where Manakins live XII Home!
The Manakinis adapted to their enviroment/climate of Amizonia. they do not migrate due to the tropical weather. Therefore, Manakin never fly anywere to migrate.
XIII Habits
Manakin have one habit which is eating. They always eat fruit. ALWAYS! They sometimes eat bugs or lizzards when they are hungery, but they usally eat the ground fruit. As a rusult, their habit is eating.
XIV Charateristics
Manakin have amazing charateristics! They jump all the time, they eat flying and sleep during night. In closing, the Manakin always do odd stuff!
XV The end of the Manakin
Thus!The Manakin is a hard working bird. The females work, the males do thier job,eggs hatch, babies born, its all LIFE. These little birds are not scared of us. We may be 5 ft high and they are 3 inches tall, they still are not afraid of us. We can live to be 100, they can live to be 20, its ALL MANAKIN.
Work cited on:
Book(s): "Birds"2002 by Arnold, Carolin
Encyclopedia(s): "Manakin" by Bruning, Donald F. World Book Encyclopedia
Comments (2)
William C said
at 9:15 am on Apr 22, 2010
thats very interesting
nice work
Victoria L said
at 9:16 am on Apr 22, 2010
nice its a beautiful animal
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