High in the canopy layer of the Amazon Rain Forest is magnificent bird called the Harpy Eagle, have you ever heard of it? In the library I found a book on eagles for my report. Did you every want to know how birds fly? The way It looks is just amazing. Now lets learn more about the Harpy Eagle.
II. Family
There are numerous different species of The Harpy Eagle. Harpy Eagles are part of 59 other species of eagles. The Harpy Eagle is also related to the hawk family. A group of Harpy Eagles is called a flock. That's the Harpy Eagles family.
III. Aren't I Cute!
On the foot of a Harpy Eagle it has four toes, three pointed forward, and one pointed backward. Each toe has a razor sharp talon on it. It's beak is like its talons. Their beaks and talons are like fingernails they get worn down and eventually grow back, but when in captivity the beak, and talons grow longer than normal. At the back of the beak is an area of skin called the cere, where the nostrils are found. The head and neck of the Harpy Eagle is black, and the chest is black and under parts are white. It's massive are yellow, it's talons are black and so is it's large beak. Harpy Eagles stand about three feet tall, weigh over 10 pounds,(the females weigh up to 20 pounds) and their wing span is about 7 feet long. Can you visualize the Harpy Eagle.
IV. Location
In the Amazon rain forest, high in canopy layer lives the Harpy Eagle where it stays all it's life. They have their own territories.The size of their territory is about 238 to 300 miles from the center out. Now you know where to look for the Harpy Eagle?
V. Meal time
Harpy Eagle eat monkeys, sloths, possums and porcupines. They also hunt lemurs, snakes and lizards. When their sitting on a high perch, using it's incedible eyes spots it's prey it folds it's wings back and swoops down like a dive bomber. Just before contact the eagle opens it's wings to slow down. Then the Harpy Eagle swings it's legs forward to snatch it's prize with it's talons. That's howthe Harpy Eagle eats and how it gets it's food.
VI. Enemies
The Harpy Eagle has two enemies storms and loggers. If a Harpy Eagle gets wet it won't be able to fly and might die from starvation. Loggers cut down the eagles homes so it has nowhere to live. The Harpy Eagle has only those two natural enemies.
VII. Defense
Harpy Eagle listen to important sounds that warns them when bad weather is coming. That's when they start flying toward shelter. When loggers cut down is to move away. Those are the only defenesthe Harpy Eagle has.
VIII. Reproduction
Harpy Eagles reproduces in spring.
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